Monday, February 5, 2007

As we age

Been talking to my friend liza on Aging. I still remember a classmate who used to have mosquito bite marks all over both legs and we used to laugh it off by saying that she will need to wear stockings everytime she goes out of the house. Though we laughed at it, behind our minds we knew it is extremely hot in Malaysia, and unless one is in the air conditioned room throughout.That's for legs, what about the face as we age? First let's understand what happens when we age.....

* Our skin produces less collagen and we look noticeably older
* Fine lines start to show which will become deep wrinkles
* We put on weight easily and our muscles shrink.
* Our immune system weakens
* We feel easily tired and our sex drive diminishes
* We loose calcium and our bones become brittle.

Whenever you go to a beauty seminar, questions like " who would like to look 5-10 years younger?" We would raise our hands and looked at the presenter eagerly for a solution. Twenty years ago we would just guide the person to go through a regimen of skincare, today the steps are almost the same, but the cutting edge technology has produced many wonderful products to visibly reverse the signs of aging.

Recently, I tried on a synergy DNA repair creme and found it to be really effective. It is also known as Generation IV DNA level anti aging technology. This is unique and is supported by clinical study on 6 females, average of 50 years old having wrinkles and dry skin. The elasticity of their skin improved by 35%. That's awesome! Liza and I have tried it and we are bowled over by it and will continue to use thie DNA repair creme to keep us youthful looking as well as feeling good about it.
I can be reached at should you wwish to know more on the product.